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  • [Recent News] Develop the Africa Motor Cycle Market 日期:2018-05-30 10:46:42 点击:180 好评:0

    7th May 2018, joint hands with Geely Group, HuaShuo Group and Kenya Partner to develp the Kenya Mortor Cycle market....

  • [Recent News] sinotech news 日期:2015-12-30 10:24:25 点击:202 好评:0

    Mar. 2015: The senior management team and Korean Partners visited Chinese design and manufacturing enterprises....

  • [Recent News] sinotech news 日期:2015-12-30 10:22:19 点击:60 好评:0

    Jul. 2015: The senior management team visited Korea met with Korean design and manufacturing enterprises...

  • [Recent News] sinotech news 日期:2015-12-30 10:21:54 点击:131 好评:0

    Aug. 2015: The business team of STI and Korean Partners LIEBE CORP and SR visited XiAn and JiNan for the Technical Exchanging Meeting....

  • [Recent News] sinotech news 日期:2015-12-29 17:09:43 点击:171 好评:0

    Dec. 2014: The senior management team of STI and Korean Partners POSCO R&D and S&R visited Chinese design and manufacturing enterprises....

  • [Recent News] sinotech news 日期:2015-12-24 14:07:46 点击:116 好评:0

    5th NOV.2014: Sign the Strategic Cooperation MOU between STI and SnR(Korea), launch the sales in Greater China region for POSCO PIBEX laser welding machine. ...

  • [Recent News] sinotech news 日期:2015-12-24 14:07:33 点击:113 好评:0

    Aug. 2014: Company senior management team visit DONGBU VIETNAM STEEL in Vietnam, negotiate for the whole plant's integrated parts supply solution. ...

  • [Recent News] sinotech news 日期:2015-12-24 14:07:18 点击:94 好评:0

    19th NOV. 2014: Authorized as the General Agent for POSCO PiBEX Laser Welder Machine & SMARFE Air Knife in Greater China Region....

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